Safe Search

Turns on SafeSearch filter from popular search engines to help you avoid unsafe content in the results of your search feed.

Safe Search - Chrome Extension

Safe Search is a Chrome extension that turns on the SafeSearch filter from popular search engines to help you avoid unsafe content in the results of your search feed.

Extension stats

Users: 80,000+
Rating: 2.27
Version: 3.0.1 (Last updated: 2021-01-16)
Creation date: 2020-09-25
Manifest version: 2
Overrides search engine: Yes
  • contextMenus
  • cookies
  • *://**
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking
  • webNavigation
  • <all_urls>
Size: 90.81K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

This extension is designed for both Chrome browser users and Chrome OS users. Wherever you are surfing the internet, with whomever you are sharing the laptop, we aim to provide you a safe internet browsing experience with explicit and hazardous adult content filtered out from your search feed.

After you add this extension to your browser, the Safe Search filter is turned “ON” to protect your browsing experience as default. If you want to turn it off, you can go to the Settings section of the extension and make the change at any time you need.

Providing you a clean feed without adult content is our goal, but you should know that no filter is not 100% bulletproof. You might still be exposed to unsafe content when the filter is working.

Permissions used and reasons:

  1. Access to “contextMenus”. We require this permission to add items to the drop-down menu of the extension’s icon in order to provide a better user experience.
  2. Access to “webRequest”, “webRequestBlocking”, and “webNavigation”. These permissions allow us to use our search domain (powered by Yahoo) as a placeholder to turn on the SafeSearch from your address bar. In this extension, we also support Google and Bing. If you want to change your search engine, you can go to the Settings of your extension and make the change.
  3. Access to “cookies”. We require this permission to save your customized settings of this extension.
  4. Access to "<all_urls>". we require this permission to check your default search engine.

How to remove this extension?

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User reviews

really just logs your data and switches everything to yahoo. the support team will reply to this being like oH iTs JuSt a SeCuRiTy MeAsUrE!!1!!1!1!1!!11!!! like shut up bro
by Zerifini, 2021-09-05

Don't Install: Guardio Says its dangerous, it come up with Safe Search - Warning. I scanned my pc with TotalAV And i was alright. DON'T INSTALL THOUGH. It made my search Yahoo and i hate yahoo i uninstalled it and i was safe! Its dangerous and my virus blocker recognised this as unsafe so it forbid me from ever getting on here and now i enabled it to tell you guy DON'T INSTALL THIS VIRUS. i am now going to disable this unsafe extension link with my virus blocker. Bye, i hope this helped:D
by DrDecemberPro, 2021-06-06

works nicely as intended
by bruh zone, 2021-04-15
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Safe Search requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Grants access to browser tabs, which can be used to track user browsing habits and history, presenting a privacy concern.
  • Critical ****** ****** ** *** ********* ****** * *********** ******** **** ** ** *** ******* *** ****** **** **** *** ******* *****
  • High ****** ********* ** * ****** ******** ******** ********** * ******* ******* *****
  • High *** ****** ****** ********** ***** ***** ******** ******** ** ********* ****** ****** ******** *****
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ******** *****************
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Safe Search. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Promo images

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