Astronaut in space

Enjoy the stunning theme of Astronaut in space on your chrome browser.

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Astronaut in space on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.43
All time rating average: 3.33

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bad Deb
en Great pic, but it only populates the bottom half of the screen and leaves the top half white. Disappointed.
Sarena Godoy
en I love it but there is a thick white border around the photo. I wanted it to take up the entire screen. I can't suspend my beliefs this way! HEELP!
ابوالفضل مظفری
Zander Martinez
en welp he gone die 👁👄👁
Yogita Saxena
en It was good but if the tabs would have been more cooler then I would have rated it 5 stars
Константин Колеров
ru +1 За картинку. Остальное, очень плохо. Цвет окон и текста подобран неудачно и по каким то причинам, фото очень маленькое и занимает всего ~60% фона внизу страницы. А верхняя часть остаётся просто белой. Скорее всего, картинка очень низкого разрешения.
Jayden Paz
en Its amazing!!!