
A material design theme for Google Chrome.

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4.81 (Rating count: 52)
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Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.81
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Huy Nguyễn Khắc
en awesome
Parvez Rahman
en THE BEST EVER. I HAVE USED THIS FOR STRAIGHT 3 YEARS. But after recent update there is a the blue line above the url which is kind of ''not my thing' (FIXED!)
en Amazing theme. But the inactive tab text-color so hard to see, think u should change it into brighter color and the right-corner button color too. p/s: i cant change it myself :((
Valera Melkonian
en very good
Oren Glanz
en Finally I found a there that is beautiful yet practical and with the right user experience. Wonderful!
en First time i 5star rate anything at all on the internet :D i tried 500+ different themes on the store. yours is by far the best. you must be the prince of this 5hit
Renan Toesqui Magalhaes
en Hello Noah ! You are definitely the best theme designer that i found in this store! Thanks for sharing this :) Keep with this good work! See ya
Ash Tom Zurowski
en active tab is clearly indicated, a problem with a lot of chrome themes. Great!
en Everything was good except inactive tab font color (Make it White as I am facing problem to view inactive tab properly.). Please change it. One of the unique and best part of your theme is you used a simple but elegant bar at the top of current opening tab.
James Morgan
en Looks amazing on the newer material layout of chrome.
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