
Create freely on-line and printed assessments, quizzes, tests, exams and surveys

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Comprehensive and interesting application
  • Great for creating custom practice tests
  • User-friendly and easy to navigate
  • Available in Italian
  • Time-saving for educators in preparing assessments
  • Service reliability issues (server downtime)
  • Lacks important fields for certified exams
  • Poor handling of user credentials (password sent via email)
  • Limited language options (no Portuguese or French)
  • Clunky interface and sub-par product overall
Most mentioned
  • Server issues
  • User-friendly
  • Custom test creation
  • Lack of language support
  • Overall helpfulness
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Roberto Meli
it L'applicazione è molto interessante e meriterebbe almeno un 4 stelle ma nel mese di novembre e dicembre 2020 il servizio è risultato inaffidabile. Il server risultava irraggiungibile per diverso tempo continuativo. Se si schedulano attività di test sincrone con propri clienti non si può contare su un funzionamento intermittente.
ECLAM Secretariat (ECLAM Secretariat)
en The app is clunky and is missing several fields that would be useful if we are to use if for a certifying exam. But even worse is the way QuestBase manages its business. I received a confirmation email that contained my password! Nobody should send passwords via email. Then, they cancelled my trial account, even though I had paid for a one-year subscription. The company that manages their payments (PayPro) could not do anything but give me an email address to complain to. Shoddy business, sub-par product. Avoid this company.
Cristina Faria
pt Não é gratuita; não é em português; poderia ser interessante se fosse transparente e clara desde o início!
Mauro Geto
it Applicativo davvero completo e molto interessante. Lo utilizzo a casa per risparmiare tempo nella preparazione delle verifiche per i miei studenti. A breve proverò anche in aula informatica...
Germain Bebe
en This is an amazing resource! anyone who wants to study and want to create their own practice test, this a must have. I was abale to create my own multiple choice, true/false, and fill in blank exam. and then take the exam myself. LOVE it.
Luca Caglio
it Molto bella, davvero utile, nel suo genere una delle migliori, se non la migliore in assoluto
Paolo Breuza
it eccezionale semplicemente eccezionale è anche tradotta in italiano facilissima da usare, completa .... un mito
Alfonso Palomares
en just now, the site is down. Please send us feedback thanks!
Andrea Zaccarelli
it Complimenti
DamtYou Asshole
en i like it
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