Compare Chrome extensions: Colorpeek vs Udemy Downloader

Stats Colorpeek Colorpeek Udemy Downloader Udemy Downloader
User count 3,000+ 31,387+
Average rating 4.69 4.02
Rating count 35 96
Last updated 2022-06-04 2021-04-26
Size 109.57K 601.09K
Version 1.0.1 3.1
Short description
Simply share CSS colors from text selections, images or websites using Colorpeek. Udemy downloader extension.
Full summary

Colorpeek is a tiny web app for quickly seeing and sharing CSS colors. The extension can parse colors from three different sources:

  1. Text selections (hex values you received in an email, for example)
  2. Prominent colors in an image
  3. CSS colors used on a webpage

Great for designers, developers, or anyone tired of spelunking through web inspectors, opening up Photoshop or hunting and pecking with an eyedropper just to grab color values.

Additional features:

  • Customize the output of webpage palettes (hide/show black, white, grays or semi-transparent colors)
  • Change the amount of colors returned for images
  • Use from the toolbar or right-click menu

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See more
  • In this user-friendly chrome extension, you can download the lecture videos in the course content you have already bought on Udemy collectively or individually.

  • If you turn off the "ask where to save before downloading" feature in Chrome settings, you can download in a categorized way. (You can change the settings on "chrome://settings/downloads")

Update notes : v3.1 - fixed stuck problem.