Org Header for Salesforce®

Quickly distinguish which sandbox you're working in by setting up a distinctive header for each.

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 15)

Review summary

  • Easy to configure and sync settings automatically after reinstalling the profile
  • Effectively separates different Salesforce environments with banners
  • Incredibly useful for managing multiple Salesforce environments
  • Essential tool for professionals working across multiple clients or orgs
  • Improves user experience by integrating with other extensions for better visual indicators
  • Some users report it not working despite following setup steps
  • Recent changes in Salesforce sandbox URLs have caused recognition issues
  • Initial configuration may be needed which can be a hurdle for some users
Most mentioned
  • Works flawlessly and is simple to configure
  • Breaks recognition of sandboxes due to URL changes
  • Essential tool for managing production and sandbox environments
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Org Header for Salesforce® on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.56
All time rating average: 4.73

Rating filters

5 star
89% (8)
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1 star
11% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mandeep Singh Bhatia
en The extension worked flawlessly, was simple to configure, and synced perfectly. This means that every time I reinstall the profile on my device, the settings and configuration of the extension are automatically applied, which is fantastic. Kudos to the developers for doing an outstanding job.
Kritika Verma
en Not working for me at all, followed all steps to configure it but no luck
Saar Machtinger
en Love this !! But, recently, SF changed the url of sandboxes. Which now breaks the recognition of sandboxes. Please fix it. Sandbox urls now have : [whatevernameforthesandboxyougave] added the 'sandbox' between the given sandbox name, and the url
David H
en This does exactly what its intended , seperate environments with Banners. Took a few minutes to configure, instruction are on configuration extension. No more freaking out.
Juha Lassila
en Try this now. Then you can't live without it.
Grzegorz Kadziński
en Needs a little configuration on the start, but after that works great.
Jenni Killmer
en This is an absolute essential for me. I first started using it when I was a consultant, and would occasionally be working in multiple clients' orgs at once. Now, as part of an in-house team, I use it to help me manage between production, full sandboxes, and dev sandboxes. I use it combined with another extension which allows me to change the color of the SF icon on the tab. The header color matches the icon color, giving me an easy indicator of which org or sandbox that tab is in.
Matt Wanchap
en Does exactly what it says on the tin. If I'd had this extension a few hours ago, I wouldn't have spent the last half hour freaking out and restoring metadata from a backup...Never again!
Michael Paisner
en So simple, but incredibly useful for anyone working in multiple Salesforce environments. Great to combine this with Salesforce Colored Favicons.