Gliffy Diagrams

Diagrams Made Easy. Draw a flowchart, org chart, UML, ERD, network diagram, wireframe, BPMN, and other diagrams.

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 22,088)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Good for creating flowcharts and diagrams
  • Free app with valuable functionality
  • Lightweight and responsive
  • Stopped working on new installations (Mac)
  • Concerns about the future of the extension with Chrome discontinuing third-party apps
  • Some users find the app clunky for complicated diagrams
Most mentioned
  • Need for the app to return
  • Love for the app's simplicity and quality
  • Request for more information about its future
See reviews for Gliffy Diagrams on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.71
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Rating filters

5 star
79% (100)
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12% (15)
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4% (5)
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1 star
5% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ionut A.
en How to install Gliffy offline: 1. Open the Chrome portable version older than v100 (GoogleChromePortable.exe) 2. Go to chrome://extensions/ 3. Activate the "Developer mode" switch from the upper right corner 4. Click "Load unpacked" button from the upper left corner 5. Choose the Gliffy extension folder (you must download it separately) 6. Go to chrome://apps/ an click on the Gliffy icon
Mauricio Espinoza (RedSalud Elqui)
es ¡Necesito que regrese!
Sławomir Pawlicki
pl Nie wiem jak dodać na stałe do rozszerzeń, fajna apka.
ko 앱이 실행되지 않습니다. 빠른 조치 부탁드립니다.
ganesan a
en it stopped working( mac chrome new installation)... any workarounds!
jimmie ren
zh mac好像不能用了
zh 為甚麼無法啟動應用程式
shanmuga priya
en Awesome app!
Katherine Luque
es ¡Necesito que regrese!
HaHaHa A
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