College Manager - College Admissions Data & Tools
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We bring you the latest and most updated college admissions data of every institution in the United States of America.
Automatically browse data of over 6,000+ institutions across the United States, including the eight Ivy League Schools, the ten University of California (UC) campuses, the ten Claremont Colleges, and the twenty-three California State University (CSU) campuses.
View college data including FAFSA, in-state and out-of-state tuition, application and admission requirements, standardized testing scores, subject breakdowns, fees, and so much more.
Get real-time percentile score breakdowns and sub-scores of each subject covered on the SAT & ACT for each college you choose to explore.
In addition, we have added college suggestions. Having trouble finding colleges based on your preferences? Try out the college explorer and find up to five colleges based on your liking.
Browse through plenty of built-in educational tools created by us. Tools that we have built include a GPA calculator, final grade calculator, dictionary, and so much more, right at your fingertips. We will continue to add more educational tools via regular updates.
★ NEW: College Explorer/Suggester
Based on your preferences, College Manager selects up to five colleges that it thinks you would like. You can easily edit those preferences through the built-in settings.
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College Manager - A College Admissions Expert requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
College Manager - A College Admissions Expert has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.
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