Compare Chrome extensions: AdGuard AdBlocker vs AdGuard AdBlocker (Beta)

Stats AdGuard AdBlocker AdGuard AdBlocker AdGuard AdBlocker (Beta) AdGuard AdBlocker (Beta)
User count 14,000,000+ 50,000+
Average rating 4.69 4.49
Rating count 59,510 70
Last updated 2024-04-08 2024-04-12
Size 15.48M 15.49M
Version 4.3.46 4.3.46
Short description
Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube and all other websites. Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube and all other websites.
Full summary

AdGuard ad blocker effectively blocks all types of ads on all web pages, even on Facebook, YouTube and others!

What AdGuard ad blocker does:

★ Blocks all ads: video ads (includes YouTube adblock), rich media advertising, unwanted pop-ups, banners and text ads (includes Facebook adblock); ★ Speeds up page loading and saves bandwidth, thanks to the missing ads and pop-up windows; ★ Protects your privacy by blocking common third-party tracking systems; ★ Blocks many spyware, adware, and dialer installers; ★ Protects you from malware and phishing.

What are the advantages of AdGuard over Adblock or Adblock Plus?

★ AdGuard ad blocker is really fast and lightweight. It uses half as much memory as other popular solutions: Adblock, Adblock Plus, and even outperforms uBlock Adblocker in some tests; ★ AdGuard can handle most of the adblock circumvention scripts; ★ AdGuard is simply better looking and modern (in our opinion).

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AdGuard Browser Extension beta version.

Please be cautious, this is a beta version, so it may contain all kind of bugs!

If you encounter any issue, please report it to us here:

You can find stable version of AdGuard here:

AdGuard beta testing program:

Release notes: