MyriadHub: Mail Merge, Templates, Tracking

Easily respond to hundreds of recipients in Gmail with email templates. Organize contacts in spreadsheets. Add a Giphy GIF.

Total ratings

4.36 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for MyriadHub: Mail Merge, Templates, Tracking on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.36

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2021-07-15 A Google user MyriadHub server unreachable or invalid response. You connection to this site is not secure Incomplete response received from application It is just go on and on and...
2021-03-18 CC Lee MyriadHub server unreachable or invalid response. You connection to this site is not secure Incomplete response received from application It is just go on and on and...
Pavlo Red'ko
I cannot access the application now. Web reports - Incomplete response received from application.
Lou Farrell
I just started using MyriadHub. It's pretty easy to use and actually quite powerful. I'm still learning more about the features, but overall, I would recommend using it. It definitely checked off all the important boxes I was looking for in this type of program.
2016-12-15 Trombson McRight So far I've tested about 8 different mail merge extensions and MyriadHub is definitely not the worst of the bunch. I like the simple interface and the easy way to create templates. However, the Google sheet import doesn't seem to work. GSM MailMerge was much better in this way.