Zoho Assist - Free Remote Access Software

Perfect remote support app to securely access other computers right from your browser. Best alternative to Chrome Remote Desktop.

Total ratings

3.39 (Rating count: 120)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very easy to use
  • Works well for remote access
  • Good for home use
  • Allows connection between Mac and Windows
  • Not truly free; requires payment for essential features
  • Lags and slow performance reported
  • Issues with compatibility (not Mac compatible, does not support Linux)
  • Difficulties with the remote toolbar and setup
  • Limited connections and session time
Most mentioned
  • Not free as they claim
  • Slow performance
  • Not compatible with Mac/Linux
  • Difficulties in setup
  • Good for easy remote access
See reviews for Zoho Assist - Free Remote Access Software on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.39
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Rating filters

5 star
39% (12)
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3% (1)
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55% (17)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sebastian Lauffer
en very good and very easy
Prince Chhabra
en malware adware cannot remove
Tim Scheppard
en not really free' that sucks
James Day
en very good
Rajesh Narayanan
en Works great.
A Google user
it Troppo lento. Una cosa di positivo è che fa dialogare Mac e Win in remoto senza problemi. Ma ripeto, è un po' troppo lento (rispetto a Team Viewer). Per ora pare gratuito per un utilizzo casalingo. Ora andiamo a provare Chrome Remote Desktop...
John Brush
en I figured that programmers and designers who work so hard to create cool little applications to help us are sort of the backbone of desktop computers. Hand sometimes I just shake my head and just me. This program was up and running between my Chromebook and my Windows 7 desktop in a matter of minutes and looks way promising. I want to get rid of TeamViewer and that terrible google remote desktop Congratulations too bad I can't use it because you didn't think ahead and ask other people if they can set it up and run it. I'm sure the developers know how to find the toolbar you think you can share the wealth please? It's wrong to complain too loudly about a free application that almost seems to work, but I just cannot believe that no one has pointed this out so that the solution can be more obvious without me having to send messages and hope to get responses. My remote doesn't see the keyboard, and apparently I need to change the settings on the remote toolbar. If it's not too much trouble could someone tell me where the hell the remote toolbar is located. The remote desktop completely fills the browser screen so it can't be hidden. The world did you put it and what is the point and not having an obvious access to something as important as a toolbar? Please help it looks like a really great tool but if I can't use it.....................
Austin Johnson
en Not Mac Compatible
Yolanda Cox
en it wouldn't even let me login this was very stupid & very upsetting.
Carey Falk
en Does not support Linux. Uninstalled.
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