

Discover similar but better fashion options!

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4.95 (Rating count: 19)
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All time rating average: 4.95
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2021-05-21 Beatriz Davila Amazing! By far one of the most easiest online shopping experiences I have ever had. Not only is it simple to use but also extremely helpful. I love being able to compare similar items and prices with just one click. One of the most dreadful parts about online shopping are the millions of tabs that always end up being left open and then lost. With Ollano, it is so simple to save items! Ollano made online shopping a breeze. I will definitely be recommending it to my friends and family!
2021-02-11 Alexander Von Schwerdtner For sure one of the best extensions I have in my Chrome browser. It is very unproblematic and easy to use especially if you are willing to find great cheap and fair items. Ollano makes it possible to easily compare different clothes from different sites. Great extension to have!
Josué Pedroza
Josué Pedroza
this is really cool ! the plugin only takes a second or two and finds things that are very similar from a large variety of brands and retailers. I usually don't buy clothes online because it's a hassle to find and compare across sites, but Ollano makes it a lot easier
Matthew Gomez
Matthew Gomez
I am not a big shopping person, so any extension that makes my life easier by giving me comparison options (without me having to open 16 tabs) and deals from similar retailers is definitely a help. I like that Ollano doesn't throw a bunch of advertisements and nonsense at you. It just does what it needs to do and gets out of the way.
Gabriel Aviles
Gabriel Aviles
In a world of fashion where people want to imitate trends and buy essential pieces, Ollano is the perfect instrument. This tool will allow you to shop for a specific piece in all types of markets. Being able to see the same piece at different price points creates a wider accessibility for the low end consumers and allows consumers with a more resources to deploy their capital in more reputable products. It used to be that you had to trade your information in order to get customized offers, Ollano changes this by giving you the opportunity of deciding when the extension is working in your browser. Ollano is here to protect the consumer and promote the producers!
Celina Saffioti
Celina Saffioti
When I added Ollano to my ever-growing list of browser extensions aimed to help me find the best deal online. What I quickly learned when making my first trip to an online store is that the purpose of this extension is not limited to merely comparing prices and finding savings. Ollano immediately showed me nearly identical items that come from both higher fashion and discount alternatives. This allowed me a wide range of opportunities- I could shop with the bargain supplier to get an identical-looking item for less, I could shop with the premium retailer to find an identical item made with higher quality/ warranties, or I could happily make my purchase on the current site knowing that I was getting a deal relative to the options 5x the price. This extension aims to ensure that buyers have much more information about the product they are purchasing to ultimately make better decisions. We love market transparency.
Alexis Saez
Alexis Saez
Love this extension! Super easy to use and saves me so much time when shopping. Really appreciate the "Eco-friendly, vegan, ethical" category as ethical fashion is very important to me. I also like that I can compare prices across multiple sites without having to open too many tabs. Makes online shopping so much more seamless!
2021-02-09 Joseph Ferrucci This extension works great for broadening your search when online shopping and helps you find similar styles at better prices. It saves you so much time now that you do not need to search different websites for the same item. I especially like that the extension does not track your data and usage information when it is toggled off!
Lylianna Barnette
Lylianna Barnette
This is so helpful for finding similar styles with less hassle. But I especially like the categories that show up. I can find places to other places to find the items I want with better prices or in a more ethical way. I can't wait to see how it grows with more information. I think it will become a natural part of my online shopping experience. I never knew I could need something like this, but it makes finding other options so easy. It works on the sites i normally use and I love the privacy policy.
Zehra Raza
Zehra Raza
Amazing! Seriously saves time and deals when shopping! It's very simple to use and works almost on all clothing styles. If you want an easier shopping experience and save money and time on online shopping sites, this is the lifesaver!
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