Matrix Decoded (Improved)

Matrix Theme. I've taken the actual Matrix Decoded Theme and corrected its mistakes (visibility annoy).

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Matrix Decoded (Improved) on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.38

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Vorcro Gaming
en white border when resolution is high only for small window or small screens
Boris Golon
en Best MATRIX theme available for Chrome. Thank U!
Alex Buitrago
es Excelente tema, funciona muy bien en Edge
Mike Lewter
en This theme was theme number... oh about #8-9. When it installed, I could already tell I was going to like this one just from the changes that it made from another Matrix theme. It literally made me kinda knee jerk my head back just from how the tab and address bar looked. Great job there buddy! Idk if you can edit the theme landing page but if you can, that brief description statement you had to type when you were publishing this is duplicated. After I test drive this theme for a bit, I'll revisit this and adjust my rating, but a high 4 just on the first impressions.