Reviews of Google Sheets Excel Shortcuts & Trace Formula

List of user reviews and ratings for Google Sheets Excel Shortcuts & Trace Formula

Total ratings

4.90 (Rating count: 48)

Review summary

  • Saves time with features like trace precedents and dependents
  • Bridges the gap for users transitioning from Excel to Google Sheets
  • Customizable shortcuts enhance usability
  • Integrates many valuable Excel features into Sheets
  • Community support available through Slack for feedback and questions
  • Limited trial version that restricts features after 25 days
  • Some users experience technical issues with the login button
  • User interface could be improved
Most mentioned
  • Trace precedents and dependents functionality
  • Customizable shortcuts
  • Time-saving features
  • Support for users transitioning from Excel to Google Sheets
  • General satisfaction with overall functionality
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.90
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Aman Mishra
en AMAZING! Having to switch from excel to google sheets, lack of customizable shortcuts was my biggest challenge. Took me a lot longer to finish my work. I found out about this after a gruesome few months of doing my work, and it was LIFE CHANGING. Absolutely amazing. I started with the free trial to make sure it had everything I was looking for and it absolutely did! P.S. They have a slack community where you can interact with others using the product and the team to ask questions and provide direct feedback and requests.
kamal kalim
Henry Hamada
en Huge time saver, especially all the cyclings Trace precedents is extremely helpful. Same with dependents. Hard to believe Google hasn't built either out fully yet UI could be better Using a Mac so especially helpful since Mac is incompatible with most shortcuts
Alt Man
en TRIAL VERSION. Buried in the description near the bottom it tells you, but after 25 days, you lose some features (including tracing). In my opinion it is clearly misleading to bury the lead on this, intended to make you get used to using the features and then make you pay for them at a later date. It would be okay if either in the promotional images (ie: the first one) or in the title you made it clear it was a trial version.
Vamsee Ravella
en Hi, The login button when pulled up in google sheets does not load into a login screen, it's just a dead image. Do you know of any fixes? Thanks!
Lucas Miller
en This is the best extension I've ever used. By a mile. I work in finance and it saves me time every single day. It's so good that it's converted me from a lifelong Excel junkie to a Sheets evangelist. I even recently moved all my clients from Excel to Sheets. Please do yourself a favor and give this a try if you use Sheets.
Conner Vickery
en As a big data cruncher at work and for my side projects, I've really come to rely on this tool. Working without sheetwhiz would be like riding a bike without pedals at this point.
Brit Ness
en Simple and it actually works!
Daniel Weng
en This is a must-have extension for G Sheets. Huge fan of the ability to cycle formats. Number and font cycles bring back some of the MS Excel power-user features back (e.g., (1) vs. -1 and zero's represented by a “-“ vs. "0", blue = hardcode, green = links, black = formula, among many other great features). Trace precedents/dependents are incredible - It's nearly impossible to do anything remotely productive in Sheets w/o this. Really seamless and saves so many unnecessary clicks and time!
Allen Wen
en Amazing app. Makes working in gsheets tolerable (somewhat) - definitely a "must have" if you spend any time at all modeling or analyzing data! Great trace dependents tool - highly recommend!
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