Sugar Connect

Sugar Connect

Effortlessly manage customer relationships and follow-up activities with Sugar in Gmail.

Total ratings for Sugar Connect
3.00 (Rating count: 8)
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Recent reviews for Sugar Connect
Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Giacomo Carlana
Giacomo Carlana
James Banbury
James Banbury
It's really great to have this in my Gmail. The scheduled email function works great, and syncronising my calendar activities works perfectly. Please add to the roadmap: 'Auto Archieve all outbound' + 'the ability to adjust which custom modules and fields are shown in the panel'.
Justine Mae Paglicawan
Justine Mae Paglicawan
Too many bugs. Keeps on automatically saving emails to SugarCRM. Collabspot is way better.
2020-07-13 Ted Fall This would be a great app if it was stable and stayed connected. I'm constantly having to remove and reload this. It was supposed to be a time saver and has turned out to be a time waster.
2020-07-01 Josip Petrusic Unfortunately, I have been having issues with it ever since it rolled out. One of the first issues is that no emails are being synced in Sugar, I reported this error to the customer support over 3 weeks ago. Another issue is that after the recent update, Sugar Connect removed the address line out of the lead creation module so now lead/target/contact creation takes longer. Also, yesterday and today, it keeps logging out every hour or so so I have to manually reconnect it. Very slow response from the support team.
Ronan Byrne
Ronan Byrne
Please add an option to completely remove the SugarCRM Tasks panel from GMail
Christian Wettre
Christian Wettre
Great to have direct access to Sugar inside GMail!