Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens - BB8 Droid

Here's a minimalistic theme with the cute droid from Star Wars Episode VII: BB-8.

Total ratings

4.79 (Rating count: 395)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and minimal design
  • Fits well with the Google homepage
  • Cute and charming aesthetics featuring BB-8
  • Doesn't distract with overly bright colors
  • Light and comfortable appearance
  • Cannot remove the background easily
  • Part of the BB-8 image gets cut off in some views
  • Need for darker Google text for better visibility
Most mentioned
  • BB-8's cuteness
  • Simplicity and cleanliness of the theme
  • Well-suited for the Google homepage
See reviews for Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens - BB8 Droid on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.79
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Rating filters

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86% (94)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Katerina Raspitou - Gomes
en simple minimal with neutral colors! fits well with google homepage
Denis Denis
en Need dark word "Google"...
mario alexander cucho chacon
es no se puede quitar el fondo, como lo quito?
Nadezhda Timchenko
en Best theme! Light and comfortable
Lorea Moreno
es Simple y brutal, quería que se vieran bien las pestañas y que no se quedaran sin color y este es perfecto, ¡gracias!
Hannah Dennis
en Well I love Star Wars and BB-8 is so cute so I can tell you'll I love this theme! It looks like he is popping out to say HELLO!
Leslie Lopez
en this is such a cute theme!! BB-8 is definitely one of my favs
Liquicitizen Henry
en Great theme!
en excellent
Fullmetal Anarchist
en its neat
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