Shadow Spire

Battle through 300+ Metroid-style roleplaying levels as you fight Undead, grab loot, solve puzzles and race to save the Kingdom.

Total ratings

1.78 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Shadow Spire on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.43
All time rating average: 1.78

Rating filters

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14% (1)
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1 star
71% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Just Bp
en the worst game cant even play it
Emanuel Lopes
pt é preciso ter o silvlight no pc, um programa que futreca no teu sistema, e se mete em tudo no pc, causando algumas vezes interrupções
Mr. Dudley
en You need a plugin to use this app.
Parsva Shah
en it sucks
Alex Melton
en As mentioned, requires Silverlight which is not available for Chromebooks... But in the Chromestore it says it's compatible with this device. One star.
M4SS Ganja Gamer
en you have to install silverlight to play the game no thanks how about you make a real game that really WORKS! take all these crap games on google chrome apps its garbage
The Cowardly Paladin
en Um... nothing happened.