Blue & Green

A clean and minimalistic transition from the color blue to the color green.

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 219)

Review summary

  • Minimalistic and pleasing to the eyes
  • Features a harmonious color scheme
  • Helps users focus
  • Beautiful design
  • Long-term user satisfaction
  • Recent updates changed the appearance negatively
  • Not matching the advertised visual
  • New features in Chrome that are distracting
  • Dull colors compared to the previous version
Most mentioned
  • Very suitable for focus
  • Clean and minimalistic
  • Love for the color scheme
  • Issues with recent updates
  • Desire to revert to previous versions
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.62
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Rating filters

5 star
76% (61)
4 star
15% (12)
3 star
3% (2)
2 star
3% (2)
1 star
4% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Việt Nguyễn
en very suitable for me. enough light and dark. Help me focus on the things that need to be done
Anton Pogonin
en Best theme ever! Highly minimalistic and pleasing to eyes, and not too bold. Features my 2 favorite colors. Never had any issues, perfect theme!
Pedro Caetano
en Beautiful
gianfry rosso
en I love this color so much ^v^
en sometimes all i think about is you late night in the middle june...
Jay Cie (Bry)
en I love this clean and minimalistic browser extension. Unfortunately Google now seems to have added a flashing game targeted to children. It seems every "update" Google comes up with something new and unnecessary and/or that uses more CPU of which Chromebooks have little enough to begin with. But that is not the fault of this browser theme, I removed the theme and the game is still there in the default no-theme so I immediately put this theme back on. Sorry for the confusion and thank you.
Barbara Brown
Harmonious and peaceful. I have been using it for years. Please don't remove it any time soon.
en I Love it
Madison Lair
en Not a bad theme but does not look anything like it does in the picture. I liked the contrast of that bright blue address bar/active tab against the kelly green background. In reality, everything on the interface has the same color - a textured, moss green to teal ombre - aside from unactive tabs which are black.
Lorival Igidio
pt achei muito lindo
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