Boat Ramp By RB Themes 1920X1080

Boat Ramp By RB Themes 1920X1080

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 100)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful design
  • Calming and peaceful aesthetic
  • Easy on the eyes
  • Good color combination
  • Only allows one theme/background to be downloaded at a time
  • Does not fit widescreen resolutions well
  • Some buttons/icons are difficult to see
  • Background often doesn't cover the entire screen
Most mentioned
  • Background isn't full screen
  • Visibility issues with buttons/icons
  • Calming and beautiful design
See reviews for Boat Ramp By RB Themes 1920X1080 on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ginger Buss
en It appears that you can only download one theme/background at a time. Then you have to go into your settings, apperarnce and set your theme. Seems very unfait that you can only download one. The next time that you want to change you have to go back and download a new one.
Mika Bachar
en It's not fit for wide screen resolutions.
peppe_ morello
en Can someone help me! I have been downloading themes for 30 minutes and they don't change my chrome background, they only change the tab colours!!
David Smith
en Awesome theme
Familia Garvin Díaz
es Todo realmente hermoso, excepto que los botones para ir atrás, adelante y refrescar son muy poco visibles.
Dream Series
it non mi è piaciuto per il fatto che quando il tema viene applicato, lo sfondo e tagliato e si vede ben poco... rovina tutto... peccato!
Kalyan R.S
en Nice to have a breeze view
Denis Denalcorr
pt Bela orientação mental
spade velv
en good one. I 'd like the bridge to be more centered in the middle for the best coordination!
Xuyang Li
en excellent
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