Intelligence Quiz

Find out just how smart you are with this IQ test app.

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2.91 (Rating count: 35)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.88
All time rating average: 2.91

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en good
Rachel Rasmus
en how do i no how to do this stuff? dont get it> bad FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Google user
en I have a big enough screen, why does the app appear in a small book in the center? I can't scroll down to compare boxes, without the sample scrolling off the top of the fake little book. FAIL!
Extollo Petri
en Good questions...I did alright
Elysia Starfield
en well this was a good wake up call i gotta start doing some math in my spare time as well as other things to keep on top of things very useful keeping to re-evaulate my progress every month thank you whoever you are
DeniseClairesa Falzoi
en I agree w/all the MOSTLY (-) reviews stated previously! Same ?'s despite different days, NOT FREE, etc., etc., AD NAUSEUM!
Marwa Yassine
en Some of the questions were very challeging and it's something I like. However, at the end of the test, I only got a mark out of 20. It doesn't give the result based on the typical IQ test range (100s) so I don't know exactly how I did other than superior!
Mark Tattam
en Does the test change on a regular basis? I came back to it today and the same questions as yesterday awaited me!