Reviews of Tiny Suspender

List of user reviews and ratings for Tiny Suspender

Total ratings

4.10 (Rating count: 111)

Review summary

  • Significantly reduces memory consumption of inactive tabs
  • User-friendly and easy to use
  • Works as advertised and performs well on multiple accounts
  • Customization options to preserve specific websites and pages
  • Lightweight and does exactly what it should without unnecessary features
  • Issues with losing tabs upon disabling or uninstalling the extension
  • Customization options like whitelisting not working reliably
  • Has occasional bugs that affect functionality on different browsers
  • Dark mode inconsistencies for suspended pages
  • Sometimes replaces tab names and icons, causing confusion
Most mentioned
  • Loss of tabs when disabling the extension
  • Need for a screenshot as background instead of a grey screen
  • Whitelisting does not function correctly
  • Dark mode not working consistently
  • General stability issues and bugs across different browsers
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.10
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en works as advertised. I would like screenshot as background of the site when it is suspended, instead of grey background Thank you!
Александр Skif
ru Когда отключаете расширение , сразу теряете все вкладки затронутые этим расширением (вкладки автоматически закрываются при отключении расширения). Поэтому это расширение не надёжно .
Luginon Luginon
en -it was working OK, even on several accounts. But for the last 10 days or so when i click on it it's opening page options forever so i can't choose options, it still works automatics. It's the same on several machines, so it's not up to PC. AT least i think so. So what happened i have to idea. So i then switch into setting on chorme etc option remove the tiny suspender and reinstall it and it works for 1 day. And i'm in the loop of constant installing and reinstalling in order not to loose 1000+ tabs. IMPORTNAT! When you uninstall it read in settings and choose ''Native tab d'' or you will lost your tabs as i did in one window.
Marcello C. Valentino
en works great! It significantly reduces the memory consumption of inactive tabs by replacing each with HTML page where you need to click anywhere on the page to reload, which is very different from simply sleeping tabs as the latter essentially only pauses JavaScript of inactive tabs, but not necessarily stops all background activities, which can be inspected through Task Manager if you're on Windows. Anyway, additionally, this could also have dark mode to reduce the dazzling from white screen :) (Edit: sorry for my oversight, I've just found "toggle dark mode" in the extension settings, so don't mind that)
Roland J
en I've tried a few tab suspender extensions and this one by far is the most polished and well developed. Other tab suspender extensions also will suspend system tabs, like settings, mail (Vivaldi only), etc. Not this one! I hope development of this never stops!
Chris Pisano
en Simple and does what it should.
en it does what it should do nothing more nothing less
Chris Sampson
en For my old Mac Mini with non upgradable 4GB ram this has been a game changer for me. Works perfectly. I waited for a week before writing this review and I have absolutely no complaints. I have quit Chrome and restarted my computer just to check and everything works fine. I suspend most tabs and check them twice a day [email, Skype, etc]. It actually has helped me cut down on frequent checking of my email. The only thing I would suggest is to have some way to have one click suspending - now I click on the extension icon in the tool bar and then click on suspend. So it is two clicks, one would be better but I am not complaining. Thank you to the developers.
Hiệp Trương
en It's simple and just works, no gimmicks. Every extensions should be or at least have a lite version like this. Kudos to the developer!!!
Morteza Karimzadeh
en I've tried many extensions as suspender. But This Tab Suspender is so user-friendly and easy to use. I loved it.
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