Sign Language...On the Go!

This app was designed to better fit your smartphone.

Total ratings

3.27 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Sign Language...On the Go! on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.27

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Idrissi Majid
fr bonne application
Sherway Petservices
en very basic
Ashley Rhea
en it is not a good app i would us youtube before i would us this i hate it
Simran Panwar
en just tells the letters so it was just for ABC's
Extollo Petri
en Eva, the description says it is to help people new to signing to LEARN the you then give it one star because it does what the description says? I have found it very helpful. I would be interested in seeing the app that you provided free of charge to the community...