RPG Mock Up

Showing someone my work, seriously not a game yet.

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2.29 (Rating count: 21)
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Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 2.29
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
cristobal rojas
en you should improve it, i already read the dialogues in the game, but i can't play the game, i think you could repair the program
leaf heart
en i can not move at all or get through text so from my point of view i sat thare yelling stuff at the chomebook like why wont this cut scene go on and why can i not move like an idiot any help i see other people are having the same problem we´d realy like the help
Diamond Blossom
en i really want get through it but when the dragon stops and the screen shakes i think the blocked off path is clear then when i get on the first step of the stairs it freezes plz fix thank you
Evan M
en can't move :/ i use a chromebook, could u please fix?
Rabi Bhandari
Shannon Jones
en junk. it didn't do anything. mashed my entire keyboard trying to get the character to move or go to the next script... nada
Dante House
en It was not bad. The Movement needs some work and I was able to push the other girl around with ease. I don't think that needs to happen. Either way you are doing a nice job.
Logan Russell
en Okay so the movement needs work on and moving from dialogue back do the actual game. Screen size for me was a little small . But your on the right track.
Aeon__Knight Psylens
en I could move, it is interesting, when the dragon attacked me I was like whoa, over 6,000 damage... played until i am suppose to meet someone, but there isn't anybody. work in progress, keep it up, you got something here, something good when it is all finished.
DeaD PoTatO
en i cant move
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