CBC Music Keyboard Shortcuts

Control the CBC Music player with the keyboard`.

CBC Music Keyboard Shortcuts - Control the player with your keyboard

CBC Music Keyboard Shortcuts is a Chrome extension that allows you to control the CBC Music player using convenient keyboard shortcuts. Skip tracks, toggle play/pause, and enjoy a seamless listening experience.
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Extension stats

By: jskrepnek
Users: 32
Version: 0.2 (Last updated: 2014-03-17)
Creation date: 2014-03-16
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
Size: 23.16K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Keyboard shortcuts to control the CBC Music player.

Version 0.2 support the following shortcuts:

'j': previous track of playlist 'k': next track of playlist 'p': toggle play/pause

Version 0.1 supports the following shortcuts:

'p': to toggle play/pause

That's it.

Extension safety

Risk impact

CBC Music Keyboard Shortcuts requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

CBC Music Keyboard Shortcuts has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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