Page Marker

Draw directly on any website in realtime without the hassle of taking a screenshot!

Page Marker - Draw on any website in realtime

Page Marker is a Chrome extension that allows you to draw on any website in realtime, eliminating the need for screenshots. With Page Marker, you can easily highlight or annotate important information on web pages without any hassle. It's a convenient and efficient way to make notes or mark up web content.

Extension stats

Manifest V2
Users: 10,381+
Rating: 1.87
Version: 1.0.1 (Last updated: 2019-03-08)
Creation date: 2019-03-08
  • activeTab
  • storage
Size: 75.45K
Price: Free
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

yall need to go to related and it will show a red marker as an icon click on it and you will get the real one trust me
by Emma Carrington, 2021-03-01

don't install it disgusting, adding a pen extension is disgrace, but it doesn't work, and when you press the pen and say options, 'Thank you for using Page Marker! I'm a high school student, and I created this project on my own. You can make a small donation (as little as you want) to help me continue updating this project. ' this article is coming out, this site is false, a copy of another site is also trying to get money from us türkçesi: iğrenç kurmayın, bir kalem uzantısı eklemek utanç verici, ancak işe yaramıyor ve kaleme basıp seçenekler dediğinizde, 'Sayfa İşaretleyiciyi kullandığınız için teşekkür ederiz! Ben bir lise öğrencisiyim ve bu projeyi kendi başıma yarattım. Bu projeyi güncellemeye devam etmeme yardımcı olmak için küçük bir bağışta bulunabilirsiniz (istediğiniz kadar az). Bu makale çıkıyor, bu site yanlış, başka bir sitenin bir kopyası da bizden para almaya çalışıyor rusça:не устанавливайте его отвратительно, добавление удлинителя для пера - это позор, но это не работает, и когда вы нажимаете ручку и говорите варианты: «Спасибо за использование маркера страницы! Я учусь в старшей школе, и создал этот проект самостоятельно. Вы можете сделать небольшое пожертвование (сколько хотите), чтобы помочь мне продолжить обновление этого проекта. 'эта статья выходит, этот сайт ложный, копия другого сайта также пытается получить от нас деньги ne ustanavlivayte yego otvratitel'no, dobavleniye udlinitelya dlya pera - eto pozor, no eto ne rabotayet, i kogda vy nazhimayete ruchku i govorite varianty: «Spasibo za ispol'zovaniye markera stranitsy! YA uchus' v starshey shkole, i sozdal etot proyekt samostoyatel'no. Vy mozhete sdelat' nebol'shoye pozhertvovaniye (skol'ko khotite), chtoby pomoch' mne prodolzhit' obnovleniye etogo proyekta. 'eta stat'ya vykhodit, etot sayt lozhnyy, kopiya drugogo sayta takzhe pytayetsya poluchit' ot nas den'gi
by Anıl Çetinkaya, 2021-01-22

This is a broken copy of the real Page Marker:
by Alex Zamoshchin, 2020-11-30
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Page Marker requires very minimum permissions.

Risk impact analysis details
  • High Injects scripts into web pages, which may alter or extract site contents, resulting in a substantial risk.
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Page Marker. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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