Manga Viewer

Manga Viewer

A book-like viewer to read separate manga page images posted on SNS like reading a real book. Yet only supports weibo.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "Manga Viewer",
  "version": "0.1.3",
  "description": "A book-like viewer to read separate manga page images posted on SNS like reading a real book. Yet only supports weibo.",
  "action": {
    "default_title": "Popup",
    "default_popup": "index.html",
    "default_icon": "logo.png"
  "icons": {
    "128": "logo.png"
  "content_scripts": [
      "js": [
      "matches": [
      "media": [],
      "css": [
  "author": "NikuKikai",
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "matches": [
      "resources": [
      "use_dynamic_url": true