Download BlueStacks App Player Online/Offline

This will teach you how to download and install BlueStacks App Player on your Windows PC and Mac

Total ratings

1.58 (Rating count: 77)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Doesn't work on Chromebook
    • Leads to a website instead of downloading the app
    • Difficult to uninstall
    • Perceived as a scam
    • Does not provide the actual BlueStacks app
    Most mentioned
    • Doesn't work on Chromebook
    • Leads to a website instead of providing the app
    • Difficulty in uninstalling the extension
    • Perceived as a scam or abusive app
    • Not the real version of BlueStacks
    See reviews for Download BlueStacks App Player Online/Offline on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.80
    All time rating average: 1.58
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    91% (39)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Mauricio Plays
    Max Yu
    en i can't f**king uninstall it help me
    ronard daddy
    en does'n work on my chrome book
    Sawyer Adams
    en it sucks.
    Beckett Marcus
    en it doesnt work on chromebook and now i cant uninstall it. Dont waste your time downloading this app
    en this is worst app booo
    Alice May
    en i want to play games but UNFORTUNATELY its not supported on my chrome book :) take down this extension and put it somewhere else cause its THE CHROME WEB STORE Now excuse me while i cry over my mac-book being dead and try to fix it so i can play bluestacks for real.
    en Chrome OS sucks, this thing is not bluestacks. Honestly i wouldnt have to go through this proccess if chromebooks did suck a** so much, and if i would be able to download stuff without having to beat the system every time. God i wish i had windows 10.
    en Why the heck does it open a website?
    en Listen, stop complaining-it CLEARLY says visit website. And if you bothered to READ, you would see it says This will teach you how to download and install BlueStacks App Player on your Windows PC and Mac BlueStacks App Player is the most popular Android App Emulator available for computers and laptops. With the help of this utility you will be able to access all Google Play applications, tools and games on your PC. Using BlueStacks you will be able to play games on the big screen of your PC. The software BlueStacks works online and offline. You can get the installer file for both Windows 7,8,10 and Mac OS X. Get it Today! AND THE CHROME WEBSTORE IS FOR GOOGLE AND MAC USERS AS WELL THROUGH GOOGLE CHROME!!!!!!!!!!
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