Mobility Print

Mobility Print

Total ratings

2.92 (Rating count: 38)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Worked fine initially
  • Useful in sharing printers on the same network
  • Used to be a satisfactory Google Cloud Print alternative
  • Fails to connect or recognize printers at times
  • Not user friendly with unhelpful online instructions
  • Poor response from developers towards complaints or queries
  • Requires constant uninstalling and reinstalling
  • Requires a server
Most mentioned
  • Issues with connectivity
  • Not a satisfactory Google Cloud Print alternative
  • Poor customer support
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 2.92
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35% (9)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tomás Lagos
en DOES SOMETHING USEFUL BUT IT IS VERY BUGGY: I had to install this app in my Chromebook to be able to use the printers in my organization. It does help me with printing, however it messes up my keyboard when using Chromeos. Sometimes the characters "h", "n", "m" stop printing when writing using my keyboard, unless I also use "Shift" and write these in the upper case format. Once I uninstall the app my keyboard starts working again, but it is really annoying having to repeat this process every time the keyboard has issues.
Norrell Lee
en We have been using this as an alternative to Google cloud print for BYOD's at our small institute. We are not using the cloud, just locally with the service running on our Windows server. The Mac and iOS devices find the printers natively. Android devices need the app from Google Play Store. Chrome devices need the app from the chrome Web Store, because the app from Play Store does not work on the Chromebooks. Not sure what to do when the Web Store disappears completely.
Simon Verzijl
af niks
César Salas
pt EXCELENTE!!! REALMENTE FUNCIONA para imprimir desde Chrome OS FLEX!!!!
Carl Linford
en Installed and spent the last 2 hours trying to get is to work, donesn't seem to work on windows 11. Its just saying failed to connect all the time. I just need a replacement for google cloud printing why did they end it!!!!
Griffin Moyer
en Application does not even work. My college has switched to this system and now I can no longer print things.
Mike Oliveri
en I have this installed in an education setting. We're a very small district (only about 45 teachers), so it was perfect and worked well for a long time. Unfortunately, the extension has been broken for several months now where it randomly can't find printers. Teachers report they'll be printing fine, then suddenly no more printers between jobs. For a while shutting the lid on a Chromebook and reopening it fixed the problem (or disabling and re-enabling the app for users who don't have their apps/extensions managed on the Console), but now that's not doing the job, either, and users are complaining to admins like everything is on fire, so I've been directed to find an alternative.
track no.1
en It randomly stops working but reinstalling the chrome app makes it work again, other than that it's great for sharing printers on the same network, 3 starts because of the issue i talked about
Arely Miranda
en At first when I had this app it worked just fine, but recently it does find my printer but when I click to print it doesn't print anything.
Ferdinand Reinke
en requires a server
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