
Be invisible on WhatsApp™ Web by disabling read receipts and presence updates

Total ratings

3.70 (Rating count: 282)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides privacy by hiding typing and online status
  • Ability to read messages without notifying others
  • User-friendly and appreciated by many for its functionality
  • Restores deleted messages (although with some issues)
  • Overall performance seems to be helpful for a large number of users
  • Restoration of deleted messages often does not work as expected
  • Frequently experiences glitches after updates
  • Some features become non-functional after WhatsApp updates
  • High memory consumption leading to performance issues
  • Some users report difficulties with specific buttons or pop-ups not appearing
Most mentioned
  • Issues with restoring deleted messages
  • Problems with features after recent updates
  • Concern about the extension being banned by WhatsApp
  • Memory usage issues causing Chrome to slow down
  • Overall appreciation for the extension's functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.70
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nathan Maingard
en I can't believe I haven't reviewed you before! Thank you for an absolutely splendid app! I am so tired of everyone seeing when i'm typing, online, and all the other ridiculous invasions of my privacy which Whatsapp pushes on me! Finally, I can read in peace and reply when I'm dang well ready! Thank you again, for the hard work on this, I appreciate you 🙏
Spectral Echo
id Terima kasih kepada developer. Kerja bagus. Anda mengerti dan memahami sekali keinginan pengguna WhatsApp. Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak. Luar biasa.
Mujahid Siddiqui
en Why is the restoration of deleted messages not working?
Danyal Javed
en really appreciated. after ban of unofficial WhatsApp versions.. this seems a revival to my dead WhatsApp
Jhersson Luis Zevallos Zegarra
es ya no funciona el de recuperar mensajes eliminados
Danish butt
en This extension is really helpful and amazing. But I don't know for some days I am facing a issue. Whenever I click on this extension it appears with a loading bar. And loading bar loads and loads. I waited so long but it didn't go any further. Kindly help me to or suggest me how should I resolve this issue.
randomic random
en Since that last WhatsApp update, none of those bypass extensions are working anymore. Do you have any plans on making it work again?
Mohit Bhandari
en Its a very useful tool. With recent update to Google Chrome, it stopped working for me. View once isn't working the way it should be. Please fix this asap.
en A very good extension that works well. But with the recent update, I can't seem to find the 'download status button' now. Also, I would be grateful if you could bring these minor changes if possible: A parallel button for 'mark as read' at the end of the chat so that it saves the effort to find that button again from the top among the chats. A button that could make mark as read for statuses too. I really enjoy using this extension and grateful that it exists. You are the best!!
Kadir Bulut
en Greetings from Turkey. Send read notification does not work. You mentioned version 2.1.9 but 2.1.8 appears as the latest version.
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