[DEPRECATED] List Layouts for Trello

Allow Trello lists to be displayed vertically or in a grid.

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 191)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great concept for organizing Trello lists and cards.
  • Works as advertised in early versions.
  • Provides a much-needed layout that Trello lacks.
  • Extension is deprecated and no longer functions.
  • Does not remember user layout choices.
  • Leaves too much space between rows.
Most mentioned
  • Extension stopped working as of October 23, 2023.
  • Cannot find the icon in the Chrome bar.
  • Need for more compact rows and adjustable column width.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.62
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Natalie Chouinard
en This Chrome extension is now deprecated. Please consider these alternatives: Grid Layout for Trello: https://userstyles.org/styles/271254/grid-layout-for-trello Vertical Layout for Trello: https://userstyles.org/styles/271256/vertical-layout-for-trello
en Since this extension stopped working, has anyone found a new way to stack lists or cards?
Derek Cook
en I had just loaded the extension. It does not work as of 23rd Oct 2023. The extension stays on, you cannot switch it off. It doesn't stack the lists. Disappointing .
N'Teasha Brownlee
en Stopped working 3 days ago with no signs of it being fixed.
kris appelmans
en Please fix the extension so that rows are slimmer and at least 3 rows fit on a screen.
Pablo Martí
en Please fix the extension. The grid now leaves too much space between rows. Thank you.
Mike McCune
en why this isn't built into trello, I have no idea. horizontal scroll bars are evil! props to the author
J. CyberSenate
en Cannot find the icon in my chrome bar, use to love this but now its sucking up time. Help!
Lorenzo P
en Exactly what i needed! Is there a way to make the plugin remember my choice? Because now i have to select the layout every time i access to trello.
Matthew Conway
en works exactly as advertised. amazing that trello hasn't provided this feature themselves.
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