The Amazing Spider-Man:2

For all Spidey Fans out there..Finally a theme to pimp up your chrome browser.

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4.64 (Rating count: 235)
See reviews for The Amazing Spider-Man:2 on Chrome Web Store
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Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.64
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tùng Nguyễn Lâm
en cool
Liam Cameron
en messy. Image doesn't resize with window/big ugly white border with a horrible watermark.
Joe C.
en There aren't too many Spider-Man themes on here that fit my liking, but this one is well done and *ALMOST* perfect. The red and blue is tasteful and very Spider-Man feeling, and the webs on the tabs are really the special je ne sais quoi that makes this my personal choice. (Although a Dark Mode URL Bar would be nice though!) For anyone with modern high resolution monitors make sure to hit the pencil button and add your own background wallpaper for chrome because this theme's one uses an old 768p resolution which doesn't scale. Other than that my ONLY other criticism is the search bar/url bar is very white and bright, which can be blinding at night. So developer if you're reading this just know a dark mode version of this amazing theme would be appreciated very much. :)
Lacrise Taylor
en my new computer is officially pimped out, amazing work i love it
Kanishka C
en I love spiderman and like andrew garfield...
Lee Hester
en Has poor contrast on my mac in relation to icons.
Jose Tadeu De Souza
pt Papel de parede maravilho.
Igor Eduardo
pt Muito bom!
fr c'est vraiment génial comme thème avec une photo magnifique !!!
Pablox López
es los colores de arriba estan un poco raros
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