Innfinergy v5.02

The Innergy Support App. Check options menu for feature list.

Total ratings

4.91 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Adds a lot of value for Innergy users
  • Great tool with many features
  • Enhances functionality of INNERGY software
  • Valuable data collection
  • User-friendly with many options
  • Remove button for PM's in workflow seems to be removed
  • Light grey font is hard to read for some users
Most mentioned
  • Must have extension for Innergy users
  • Integration with INNERGY is valuable
  • Positive feedback on features and tools
See reviews for Innfinergy v5.02 on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.89
All time rating average: 4.91

Rating filters

5 star
89% (8)
4 star
11% (1)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Shelby Deans
en Innergy is an amazing software! Innfinergy makes it even better!
Jason Howlett
en Innfinergy is a must have extension for Innergy users. Adds a lot of value!
Sebastien Desmarais
en Great Tool for Innergy users!
Mark Christensen
en This extension is fire. INNERGY has so many awesome features, and collects some very valuable data. Innfinergy makes it that much better. It's the peanut butter to INNERGY's jelly.
Philip L
en Love the extension.... sad the remove button for Pm's in workflow seems to be removed.
Marc McCarthy
en So many options, so little time. Great product I just started working with and it picks up where Innergy leaves off.
Brian Schafer
en I really like the tools this company makes that work with our INNERGY software. The material list is one of my favorites. I do suggest offering a change in font and color of font. My eyes work great at my young age but some of my coworkers find the light grey font harder to ready. Keep up the good work.
Taylor MacDonald
en Insert review here
Joshua Kratky
en An invaluable Chrome extension for Innergy.