Clear Site Data

Clear current or all site data (cache, storage, etc).

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 40)

Review summary

  • Effectively clears site data as expected
  • Allows for per-site data clearing
  • User-friendly and simple interface
  • Faster than the default Chrome data clearing options
  • Offers exclusion settings for specific sites
  • Requires extra confirmation click which some users find annoying
  • Lacks an automatic page reload feature after clearing data
  • No good instructions for using the exclusion feature
  • Outdated with no recent updates
  • May override existing website permissions
Most mentioned
  • Need for a whitelist/blacklist feature
  • Desire for an optional automatic page reload
  • Requests for fewer confirmation steps
  • Issues with lack of documentation for exclusion settings
  • Concerns about the extension being outdated
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Clear Site Data on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.50
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Rating filters

5 star
70% (23)
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18% (6)
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6% (2)
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6% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
William Macdonald
en The only extension that really clears the data, in the same way the DevTools -> Application -> Clear Site Data does. Can I ask for a couple of features? - Don't require the extra confirmation click - auto reload the page
Maxim Fox
en Please add a “White” and “Black” list feature to your extension so that sites and domains can be added. For example: * or /(^|.)google\.com/
Grégoire Bellon-Gervais
en The only one that really clear !!!
Aditya W
en Been using this for a long time albeit only when it's needed only. But when it does, it executes the job perfectly.
Steven Noble
en Cool tool. Can I suggest: - the double click to confirm be optional - there be an optional to also clear the html source, refetching it from the server
Nelson Martinho
en Simple and perfect
Alex Potapenko
en Have been using it for more then a year now, I find it very useful. Quite often some sites start glitching, and you need to clear site data, which without this extension meant I had to clear ALL sites data and it was really annoying. Now I can do it on per-site basis, great!
AK xyz
en Works. Seems faster than ctr+shft+del. Thank you.
Baolin Lei
zh 希望点击清理按钮后,能够自动刷新页面
zh 希望能添加中文支持
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