Arc Dark (with inactive window fade)

Arc-Dark theme for Chrome/Chromium, with inactive window fade

Total ratings

4.18 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Arc Dark (with inactive window fade) on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.18

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ɗσραмєαη єѕcσвαя σтмιc
en I like this one better than the other one because you can actually tell which window AND tab you're using. That's very handy when using multiple monitors and you actually use all your space.
2018-01-17 A Google user Simplistic and dark. Looks fantastic!
A Google user
en Simplistic and dark. Looks fantastic!
Michelle Goldsmith
en Nice dark theme, but with tabs you can see. Most dark themes are so dark on the tabs that you cannot pick out the next tab, but this one has the next tab in grey, so easy to see.
Dwayne Ferguson
en I like the minimalist approach. It looks good as a new LBD.
Tyler Menard
en A small, but practical change to my current theme crush.