
Launch any URL as a full-screen kiosk.

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4.26 (Rating count: 174)
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.26
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44% (24)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sans Gasterovich
ru хороший киоск! взял сухарики с хреном сэкономив 50%!
Jonas Fu
de Essentiales Tool für unseren täglichen Betrieb. Vielen Dank für diese wunderbare App. Weiter so!!
Adam Dunsmoor
en I used to use it for a while, but the dev is no longer active and does not update the software. His website forum is full of posts with no help at all. I use OpenKiosk now instead (developed by Mozilla):
siri1 yut
en Good
Josh Komene
en Crashes Chromebook, Used to work fantastic! tired to email the dev but no response? does anyone know of a similar app?
Adan Rodriguez
en Great!, it's a shame that we have to be so Sneaky. Chrome shouldn't play so NASTY. FUG
Austin Donaubauer
en If youre having the white screen issue or just seeing the paring screen, add the app to your desktop and close chrome. Launch
Ger Bruggeman
en Kinda usless without a proper manual... The online instruction is inadequate.
Oliver March
en A couple hiccups with the latest updates, but otherwise works great. Would recommend if you need a quick easy kiosk. We're testing and looking into the paid version.
Matias Banega
es La aplicación estaba buena hasta que la hicieron paga.
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