
project management and time tracking based on trello

Total ratings

3.93 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and integrates well with Trello
  • Timer feature is appreciated by users
  • Great tool for logging time on Trello tickets
  • Timer issues; inconsistent starting of the timer
  • Time reports not easily found or displaying incorrectly with time zone issues
  • Extension keeps reinstalling itself even after removal
Most mentioned
  • Timer functionality
  • Time report issues
  • Reinstallation problem
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.93
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tommy Lee
ru Good day! Ready to buy your extension at a good price. Or we can help you for monetizing of it. Contact me for details. Skype: Tendy.Max Здравствуйте. Готовы купить Ваше расширение по хорошей цене. Либо помочь его отмонетизировать. Пишите, обсудим. Skype: Tendy.Max
Agustin Pa
en I like the timer, I can't find the time reports. Where did you hide it?
Isobel Pierce
en We can help you to monetize your browser extension. ****For better users experience and higher revenue!*** *Earn from $15000 per month from every 100k users. *Shorter payment term! High revenue share! *24/7 customer support *GEOs: All countries, the whole world *My email/skype: *website:
2015-11-22 A Google user вечно вылезает я его удаляю а оно устанавливается
A Google user
ru вечно вылезает я его удаляю а оно устанавливается
Bastian Haustein
en It just Works, but you have to Press F5 (or reload the Page) once you have opened the board.
YuvGokul R
en Good work. Facing few problem with report. Time displayed wrongly in report. I belong to IST time standard and I think in report it displays in GMT.
Cleverson Nazarete
en Does not appear the options like in the screenshots. :(
Александр Гончаров
en Cool - i like it
Raj UK
en Great concept, but unable to start timer consistently
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