Reviews of Milwaukee Bucks Theme

List of user reviews and ratings for Milwaukee Bucks Theme

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for Milwaukee Bucks Theme on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.11

Rating filters

5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tim Busalacchi
en Great detail, logo is off-center on the new tab page.
2017-04-06 A Google user Enjoying the use of the teams lessor known secondary colors to fill out this theme. I'm also happy that the fonts provide contrast so you can read them. Many themes don't and it drives me crazy. Good job.
A Google user
en Enjoying the use of the teams lessor known secondary colors to fill out this theme. I'm also happy that the fonts provide contrast so you can read them. Many themes don't and it drives me crazy. Good job.