Website Orientations

Website Orientations

Get insights into websites you visit and search for - from FakeNews, political bias, and downright to malicious content.

Total ratings for Website Orientations
3.69 (Rating count: 13)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fast
  • Useful search functionality
  • Secure browsing
  • May be linked to malware
  • Difficult to remove
  • Tracks user activity
Most mentioned
  • Fast
  • Secure browsing
  • Malware
See reviews for Website Orientations on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Website Orientations
Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.69
Rating filters
5 star
60% (6)
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
40% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Abner Wirtz
Abner Wirtz
en Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day! I am currently seeking opportunities to expand my business operations by investing in extensions with a significant user base, beginning from 50,000 users and up. No matter if your extension has a modest user base or counts its users in the millions, I am interested and ready to negotiate a purchase. If you are in possession of such an extension and looking to turn it into a profit, please consider reaching out to me. We can discuss the price and proceed with a transparent and secure transaction through a trusted escrow service based in the United States. It's great that Google allows the transfer of extension ownership between accounts, so your Google account ownership will remain intact. If you have any needs, please contact us via the following contacts Whatsapp: +1 (248) 896‑8035 Telegram:
Jack Patterson
Jack Patterson
en A little strange that all the BAD reviews have 5 stars don't you think. I think that's enough warning for me to stay away. I'm rating 1 star, let's see how it's displayed over time.
drunk duolingo
drunk duolingo
en look at this 💀,ensures%20safer%20browsing%20for%20users. how is this not malware i clicked on one of those goofy green continue button ads just to see which viruses it would try to make me install. it led me to this thing by ""- im speechless- also what does secury mean..?
Michael G
Michael G
en Malware.
Bryan “Ironman” Stark
Bryan “Ironman” Stark
en It appears to be malware. Sadly Chrome Store doesn't have any reports at this time on the extension but the extension is very bad. Hard to remove and will track everything you do.
Noora Alshuaibi
Noora Alshuaibi
en I use this extension when I’m browsing, both google chrome. Very useful.
Brett Douglas
Brett Douglas
en Love the search on SecuryBrowse Protection. I use it a lot.
Eric Jiminez
Eric Jiminez
en Truly 5 stars I was surprised in how fast and safe it.
Emile Baumgardner
Emile Baumgardner
en So cool, and you get a free check to try out!
Pauline Castillo
Pauline Castillo
en I'm recommending this to my friends.