Reviews of Better Jira

List of user reviews and ratings for Better Jira

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 20)

Review summary

  • Makes it easier to read cards
  • Standup mode is loved by users
  • Best Jira extension available
  • Super helpful for daily use
  • Great modifications for standups
  • Does not work for older instances of self-hosted Jira
  • Does not resize column headers properly
  • Broke with Chrome update 92.0.4515
  • Needs an update to fix current issues
  • Incompatible with cross-project boards
Most mentioned
  • Broken with recent Chrome updates
  • Resizing issues with column headers
  • Works great for reading and modifying views
  • Standup mode preferences
  • Compatibility issues with different Jira versions
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.35
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Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Vladimir Skipor
en Is it possible to make it work with cross-project board like : `https://<company>`? It will be really helpful.
Marcus Widerberg
en Was great. But is broken as of now, does not remove any header and resizes nothing, AFAICS. So needs to be updated, to become that great plugin it was.
Steve Kiehl
en This has been great, but as of Chrome 92.0.4515, this breaks vertical scroll.
Brian Janiszewski
en Works great, sadly I'm not allowed to use Chrome at work.... Can't believe Atlassian doesn't already have a fix for this.
Andrew Cawood
en Made viewing boards with many columns MUCH better. One bug: The Close Standup Mode button only works if you don't click on anything else before clicking the button. If you click anywhere in the view or on a card and then close it, clicking the button does nothing.
J Figs (Jay)
en Doesn't work for older instances of self-hosted Jira.
2019-01-03 A Google user Best JIRA extension out there!
A Google user
en Best JIRA extension out there!
en Idea is great, but sadly doesn't resize the column headers on any browser I've used it with. The headers stay static and this causes a bit of confusion if you're scrolling to other columns as the headings no longer line up. When zooming in with the browser, Standup mode just causes the column header to jump into the middle of the screen and is unmoveable. Ability to remove the header and resize the columns is great and as long you don't zoom beyond 110 in Chrome or 140% in Firefox it works fine. Also seems to work fine with other Jira improvement extensions
Ben R
en Super useful!
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