Reviews of Clear Local Storage

List of user reviews and ratings for Clear Local Storage

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Simple and clean interface for clearing local storage.
  • Effective at clearing local storage and reloading the page.
  • Saves time with a single button click.
  • Some users report that the extension does not work as intended.
  • Unnecessary loading of jQuery for a simple function.
Most mentioned
  • The idea is good but execution may be lacking for some users.
  • The extension is simple to use and does its job effectively.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Clear Local Storage on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.45

Rating filters

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63% (5)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Paolo Pancaldi
en Extension works, but I don't understand the need to spend time opening a popup to click the button when could be simpler reload the page immediately clicking the icon itself, thanks anyway for your effort. Answer: You're right, thanks for your answer!
Игорь Семенов
ru Отлично работает!
Nikita Grishaev
en So simple, and yet so genius
Ricardo Cavalheiro
en The idea is good, but the extension is not working. I press the "clean and reload" button but all the extension does is reload the page.
Michał Matyas
en The idea is really nice but... why would you include and load entire 87 KBs of jQuery just for $(document).ready ?!
en Clears Local Storage and reloads the page. Nothing more nothing less. Exactly how I like it!
Martin Hjers
en Simple and clean. No need to open a new window or do anything else. Just a click of a button and everything is cleared. Awesome!
Peter Strömberg
en It is such a simple and clean way to save time. It's perfect, just clears the local storage and reloads the window.