
Take control of noisy tabs: mute by default, blacklists, and more

Total ratings

4.12 (Rating count: 92)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works perfectly for muting tabs
  • Simple option to mute all tabs by default
  • Helpful for managing sound while studying or in classes
  • Useful keyboard shortcuts
  • Effective at muting sites by default and whitelisting a few
  • Lack of updates and maintenance
  • Does not unmute a tab automatically when switching back
  • Issues with keyboard command options not appearing
  • Can be confusing for users who want more comprehensive sound control
Most mentioned
  • Works perfectly!
  • It's a nice extension but will be removed soon
  • Mutes tabs when you switch to a different tab
  • Perfect for muting all sites by default
  • Keyboard command options vary for users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.12
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66% (44)
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15% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en It needs to be updated (-__-) I still use this and it works perfectly the way it is. Otherwise chrome keeps turning it off... Such an annoying and demanding browser... (-__-)
Nelson Martinho
en Works like a charm!
WhatsThePointOf NickNameIfGoogle (AlwaysShowsMyRealName)
zh 哪里可以添加“添加/移除whitelist/blacklist”的快捷键?
Irina Isha
en Does exactly what it needs to do. Has a simple option to mute all tabs by default, which is what I was looking for and what no other addon provides.
Grzegorz Majewski (G. M.)
pl Zauważyłem że to wersja Linux. Ciekawy jestem czy będzie działać u mnie na Coral.
Curtis Laabs
en "Music ducking" was exactly what I was looking for! I like to listen to music while I study, but frequently my online classes will have short videos mixed in with the reading. This automatically mutes my music while I watch the video and then unmutes when the video is over. Solved a major annoyance for me. Thank you!
Samuel Sobreira
en Good
en it's really wonderfull extension for tabs you can use this when you can't mute incomming sound from page directly.
en Mutes tabs when you switch a different tab to the foreground, but crucially does not _unmute_ that previously muted tab if you move it back to the foreground. It's hard to understand why it hasn't been designed so allow you to simply have the foreground tab unmuted and all others muted, automatically. Perhaps it's an API limitation, but it renders this useless for me.
en Amazing, just a click.
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