
The easiest way to create floor plans

Total ratings

3.78 (Rating count: 1,943)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use, especially for beginners without prior design experience
  • Fun tool for home design and planning
  • Offers 3D visualization for design projects
  • Blocked by Google for accessing sensitive information
  • Requires a Google account which may not be validated
  • Lack of customer service and support for issues
Most mentioned
  • Google blocks access due to security risks
  • Difficulty accessing the app and using it effectively
  • Need for better functionality and more features in the design process
See reviews for Floorplanner on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.78
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Rating filters

5 star
37% (39)
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18% (19)
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28% (30)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Carlos Benicio
pt Não consigo entrar
Павел Пальянов
ru Так и не заработало (
Ulf Kronman
sv Appen blockeras av Chrome för att den vill komma åt känslig information.
Anna Morelli
en Tried to access this website from my Chromebook on 8-22-21 and got this message: This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.
roli jain
en unable to add it to chrome extension. it says, google blocked it for some safety reasons. can anyone help!!!
Joe Davey
en Gets blocked by Google itself.... Wah wah waaaahhh
Drover Hall
en Google Blocks the app!
Mark Palmos
en GOOGLE BLOCKED ACCESS - this app is probably dodgy, beware!
José Mojica Bazoalto
es lo vamos probar por primera vez
mahendra lesmana
id Lumayan buat awam yang punya angan angan sket denah rumah impian, biasanya saya pakai excel bikin denahnya... hahaha... Floorplanner cukup mudah digunakan tanpa harus belajar dulu sudah langsung bisa pakai, keren...
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