A Splash of Google

A non-Aero theme utilizing Google's colors. Background is custom made, with a nice little lamp shining a light down on your apps or…

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for A Splash of Google on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.25

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Steven Sanchez
en Beautiful, just amazing.
Thomas Schubert
en using several browsers, its sometimes importend to know which browser is in focus. This theme shows that it is google chrome.
2016-07-08 A Google user Why this only has 4 reviews is a mystery to me. Get this theme and become enlightened.
A Google user
en Why this only has 4 reviews is a mystery to me. Get this theme and become enlightened.
wisejelly bean
en Nice! Cool colours! I like how this theme creates the illusion that the computer screen is a room.