Publisher summary is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 626 users.
Users: 626 (Average
Rating: 4.17
Total published extensions: 102
Published Chrome extensions
102 results. Page 1 of 5.
OpticGreen Theme
OpticGreen is a dark background theme with high contrast green text that's easy on the eyes and great for navigating tabs and…
StarburstGalaxy1-1280 OpticRed Hubble4 Theme
The StarburstGalaxy1 OpticRed Hubble4 theme features a spectacular high resolution Hubble Space Telescope composite image of the…
AndromedaBlue2-1600 OpticBlue WISE3 Theme
The AndromedaBlue2 OpticBlue Wise3 theme features a dramatic high resolution space telescope image of the Andromeda galaxy…
BlueGalaxy4921-1280 OpticBlue Hubble6 Theme
The BlueGalaxy4921 OpticBlue Hubble6 theme features an incredible high resolution deep-space image of spiral galaxy NCG 4921…
JupiterRising-1920 OpticWhite Cassini1 Theme
The JupiterRising OpticWhite Cassini1 theme features a high resolution Cassini satellite image of Jupiter coupled with easy to read…
AndromedaBlue-1600 OpticBlue WISE1 Theme
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled…
AndromedaBlue-1920 OpticBlue WISE1 Theme
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled…
BlueGalaxy4921-1600 OpticBlue Hubble6 Theme
The BlueGalaxy4921 OpticBlue Hubble6 theme features an incredible high resolution deep-space image of spiral galaxy NCG 4921…
BlueGalaxy4921-1920 OpticBlue Hubble6 Theme
The BlueGalaxy4921 OpticBlue Hubble6 theme features an incredible high resolution deep-space image of spiral galaxy NCG 4921…
AndromedaBlue-1280 OpticBlue WISE1 Theme
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled…
CatsEye1-1920 OpticRed Hubble3 Theme
The CatsEye1 OpticRed Hubble3 theme features a high resolution image of the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) using data from the Hubble…
JupiterRising-1280 OpticWhite Cassini1 Theme
The JupiterRising OpticWhite Cassini1 theme features a high resolution Cassini satellite image of Jupiter coupled with easy to read…
StarburstGalaxy1-1920 OpticRed Hubble4 Theme
The StarburstGalaxy1 OpticRed Hubble4 theme features a spectacular high resolution Hubble Space Telescope composite image of the…
OpticRed Hubble1-1600 Theme
The OpticRed Hubble1 Theme combines a stunning high resolution image of the Pinwheel Galaxy and high contrast red text into a theme…
OpticAmber Theme
OpticAmber is a dark background theme with high contrast amber text that's easy on the eyes and great for navigating tabs and…
OpticRed Hubble1-1920 Theme
The OpticRed Hubble1 Theme combines a stunning high resolution image of the Pinwheel Gallaxy and high contrast red text into a…
StarburstGalaxy1-1600 OpticRed Hubble4 Theme
The StarburstGalaxy1 OpticRed Hubble4 theme features a spectacular high resolution Hubble Space Telescope composite image of the…
MarsVictoria-1920 OpticWhiteMarsCrater1 Theme
The MarsVictoria OpticWhite MarsCrater1 theme features a high resolution satellite image of the Victoria Crater on the planet Mars…
AndromedaBlue-800 OpticBlue WISE1 Theme
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled…
AndromedaRed-OpticRed WISE2-1280 Theme
The AndromedaRed OpticRed WISE2 theme features a high resolution infrared space telescope image of our neighboring Andromeda galaxy…
OpticWhite Theme
OpticWhite is a dark background theme with high contrast white text that's easy on the eyes and great for navigating tabs and…
AndromedaBlue-1024 OpticBlue WISE1 Theme
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled…
RedSunSpicules-1920 OpticAmber NSO1 Theme
The RedSunSpicules OpticAmber NSO1 theme features a high resolution image of the surface of Sun coupled with easy to read high…
BlueMars OpticWhite MarsDunes2-1920 Theme
The BlueMars OpticWhite MarsDune2 theme features a high resolution satellite image of red-tinged blue sand dunes on Mars and easy…
OpticAmber CSunset1280 Theme
The OpticAmber CSunset theme combines an original image of a Caribbean sunset with high contrast amber text for a relaxing theme…
102 results. Page 1 of 5.