Daily Eloquence

Daily Eloquence

Read the selected Hadith or Quranic verse every time you open a new tab so you begin each task the right way! Contemplate the…

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4.80 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.80
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Kisa Rizvi
Kisa Rizvi
en Salaam! Absolutely love this extension! It's simply beautifully designed and relax to use. I have a few suggestions to take it to the next level. It would be great if you could have customize or options for different font styles and have a dark theme option. A calendar that shows future months would be really handy. Additionally, a section that includes a daily Hadith under each Quran verse would be a wonderful and thoughtful addition. It would be even more meaningful if a dua could be included too. Thanks for considering these ideas! I am happy to connected this!
ReHaN MaliK 143
ReHaN MaliK 143
Great app but one thing is missing about prayer that ASR & ISHA prayer time is missing please fix it
Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali
Good App to feel connected religiously