Recur for Basecamp

Recur for Basecamp

Recurring to-dos within Basecamp

Total ratings for Recur for Basecamp
5.00 (Rating count: 1)
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Recent reviews for Recur for Basecamp
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Anlina Sheng
Anlina Sheng
A simple extension that does what it says. Some of my team found it a little non-intuitive that the repeat date and interval are not related to the date that you're creating the original todo or the due date like it would be if you were creating a recurring event in Google Calendar, but once everyone wrapped their head around that it's been easy to use. Having more customizable intervals would be a nice option - I'd love to be able to set a recurrence to multiple specific days every week (eg repeat every Monday, Thursday and Friday) and to have more options for day and week of a month (eg second Wednesday of the month every quarter), but it's very usable as is.