Car Value

Car Value

Car Value of used cars from Kelly Blue Book (kbb) to help find car deals

Total ratings for Car Value
3.57 (Rating count: 21)
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Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.57
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Cory Patton (cory)
Cory Patton (cory)
en Works great for me, could be a little more intuitive, if you don't select the year first the dropdowns for make and model won't populate. might be good to put the year field before the others
Natalie Keenan
Natalie Keenan
does not work, no GH posted to fix it. dropdowns empty
Zach Price
Zach Price
Not working for me, tried on Craigslist and Autotrader. Love the idea anyways, but seems to be needing an update to fix issues.
Max Tazelaar
Max Tazelaar
car made my car worth 10x what i payed thanks for money
Kyle Vance
Kyle Vance
So helpful. Not designed by google but functional and easy. Thanks!
2018-12-20 Tom Taira This is good for private party but if I'm looking for a page, it would only seem right to have the retail price shown as well. In addition, it is very easy to map these sites to prefill the year make and model (and trim in some cases). It's also easy to identify a VIN on any page, so you may want to simply do a VIN decode which can get you to make and model very easily with very little work.
Robb Wiley
Robb Wiley
Working great after the last updated on Sept 1st of 2018. However, I do have a feature request! The amount the app gives is the Private Party value. Is there a feature to get the Trade-In Value as well? Thx!!
Adrian Zgoda
Adrian Zgoda
doesn't work at all
2017-10-17 Nathaniel McFate Does not work. At all.
Donovan Keith
Donovan Keith
Really helpful to have KBB prices right next to a car - it makes it much easier to see whether something is a good deal or not. Some feature requests: - Please gray out the icon for the extension when it isn't active on a page. I realize it's just "security theater" but it would make me feel less anxious about the extension snooping on every page. - Please add an option for Private Party vs Dealer pricing.
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