

Unleash is the Google of your work enabling you and your team to search across all your apps in one place.

Total ratings for Unleash
4.90 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent reviews for Unleash
Recent rating average: 4.86
All time rating average: 4.90
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Gal Rettig
Gal Rettig
josh wanner
josh wanner
I was using this before and it does seem to make sorting through Notion easier and did seem like it would be handy. Not sure why but I stopped using it and now after some time I found another use I'm hoping it will solve BUT it has stopped working for me. I'm going to uninstall and re-install. Unleash team? Any idea why it might have stopped working for me?
Sagiv Roth
Sagiv Roth
Loved it!
Matan Sagee
Matan Sagee
I find this to be very helpful and use it on a daily basis. Definitely worth a shot! Can you please add integration with Google Drive and Google Groups?
Noam Limor
Noam Limor
Unleash has been my go-to product for the past few months and I am very happy with it. The new extension gives me even more value by searching over my browsing history, open tabs, and of course - the Go Links feature
Roy Shaked
Roy Shaked
en As a rapidly growing company with people spread across different locations and content across multiple of systems, you can definitely use Unleash to help you reduce silos and drive efficiency.
Itay Itzhaki
Itay Itzhaki
en Unleash chrome extension makes it super easy and super slick to share and quickly access all the important links in our company