Google Search to Youtube Redirector

Google Search to Youtube Redirector

Redirects Google search results to YouTube videos

Total ratings for Google Search to Youtube Redirector
5.00 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Google Search to Youtube Redirector on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Google Search to Youtube Redirector
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Fred Engh
Fred Engh
en I like looking up random things. When a video pops up, I like checking it out. Every time it plays within google, you have watch the first ad then another 5 seconds. Most youtube ads only have the first 5 seconds before you can skip. I was curious about why it did this. I found this post on reddit: the guy who made this posted on Reddit. I was like: someone took the time to make an extension? That's definitely worth a 5 star review as my ad watching time is now halved.
J.G. Gonzalez
J.G. Gonzalez
en I was looking like crazy for this solution! thanks so much!
Peter Lindley-Hughes
Peter Lindley-Hughes
en Exactly what I needed - found you on a Reddit post from a google search. Thank you for taking the time to create
Дмитрий Дмитрий
Дмитрий Дмитрий
Not Available
Not Available
en Found this on a reddit post, thank you! Any plans to have it redirect when you open the video in a new tab? One of the reasons I dislike googles new way, is it for some reason doesn't even open the google video in the new tab, just a new tab of the same search results.
Kamil “Wyczess” Pawlak
Kamil “Wyczess” Pawlak
Works great thank you! It would be nice if it would also redirect back to google when backing to previous site becouse now its looping
Bad Barracuda
Bad Barracuda
Thanks so much for creating this! It's so annoying that google search results recently started opening YouTube links in Google rather than YouTube. I found the link on this reddit post ( I have the exact same experience and view of this issue as the creator of that post.
it works, thanks