TimeSkip - YouTube Chapters

SEO-optimized timestamps for YouTube videos in seconds.

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4.10 (Rating count: 10)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nolan Makatche
en TimeSkip is a must-have Chrome extension for YouTube creators! It’s incredibly fast, generating SEO-optimized video chapters in just seconds. The SEO-optimized titles are a game-changer for boosting visibility and engagement on your channel. Been using it to expand my reach with my podcast and make the content more accessible to my users.
Carl Staffel
en I only write a few reviews, and I try a lot of different plugins, extensions, and software. Mac users are inclined that way. This TimeSkip extension for Chrome was discovered while reading a Reddit thread. I googled that thread because automatic chapters weren't working on YouTube. What a delightful find TimeSkip is. It's almost magic and works every single time. I had to double back into my YouTube channels and apply to many videos. I'm so happy that I found TimeSkip.
Nikhil Mali
en There is some bug in the login page, review on it. After login it redirect me to the login again
Henrique Matos
en It doesn't work, because I can't login
en I've been using TimeSkip for a few weeks now, and it's an absolute game-changer! As a YouTube creator, I'm always looking for ways to improve my workflow and it saved saved me countless hours. Hats off to the team working behind this project. 🫡
Yash Patel
en I always felt lost when I came back to a video after long time. With TimeSkip I can come back to ANY youtube video and refer the chapters that I liked. It also helps save time on videos where you want to jump straight to solution specially while coding.
en If you find yourself skipping around in a YouTube video trying to find the part that actually interests you, TimeSkip is just the tool for you! Also great for creators. You can come up with an SEO-friendly chapter outline in a matter of seconds.
vignesh vp
en A must-have tool for YouTube watchers. Easily find the piece of content you want.
Boma Josiah
en I watch a lot of educational content on YouTube, and this has been very helpful for me to quickly get through the key points, and it saves me time too.
Bogdan Peregubko
en Doesn't work for me, the main button doesn't appear
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